I never heard of "morning sickness" related to GERD. I'll have to keep my eye out for my husband if he starts to have it, I can tell him, others experience the same, not extrodinary.
Geez, someone has got to find out what this GERD, reflux stuff is all about. I did not know any such thing existed before, usually just heard of heartburn, people got Tums or Mylanta, but not this "could be for the rest of your life' stuff.
Now all the side effects from the PPI's, I don't see an end in sight.
Funny how there seems to be all these new diseases that never existed before. Is it our ife style, pollution, or drug companies? We can look into other universes, they can make babies in petrie dishes, but a good into someone's stomach is impossible? In an Anatomy class I learned that the stomach is just a holding container. The stomach doesn't digest, it adds stomach acid to the contents so that when it enters the intestine it can be digested.
How can a "holding container" cause so much trouble? Well, there's someone smart out there that can figure this out, I hope so anyway.