I had a follow up with my GI specialist today two weeks approx. after my EGD Upper GI. After the EGD I was diagnosised with a small 2cm hiatal hernia, and gastritis. The nurse said it was nothing to worry about
and I should recovery with time.
At the follow up the doctor was concerned with some weightloss I've had (~35 lbs. in two months) which is significant but has come slowly because of my diet I believe. Most of the time I have next to nothing for lunch and then a small dinner. Compared to my previous diet of full frozen pizzas for lunch, 32oz pops easy, and a box of mac and cheese for dinner. I had assumed I had just been losing weight from that.
The doctor wanted to run a couple more test and another CT scan. One of the blood test was to test my Gastrin levels and for that test I had to quit my omeprazole for 5 days (the drug that seems to really help the healing).
All in all, I think I've on the road to recover from my gastritis and think these test he wants would prove detrimental, expensive, and just cause me more stress and anxiety which I don't need so I was going to skip them. I know the doctor just wants to check every other possibility but am I wrong in saying no to test I don't think are necessary and has any of you had to do the same?
I've also been doing much better everyday the last couple of weeks, adding more and more food to my diet and feeling much better.