I am a 25 year male, in good health before this whole GERD thing.
Had a normal barium swollow, but ENT doc put the camera in my nose and said my throat was read and irritated due to GERD.
I have all the other symptons, such as burping, food reguritation, some chest pain, cough, ect.
My main problem is I am having a breathing problem.
This is almost constant, except every couple weeks it goes away for a week or so.
Its just a general feeling of its hard to breathe. Like my chest does not want to expand, and a dull feeling like I am holding my breathe in=between breaths.
I have a ton of mucus in my throat I assume, and hack it up all day long. I have a cough also.
I do exerice, and can still run a mile easily.
This breathing problem, no one can figure it out.
I have had lung x-rays, cause I used to smoke, but they were clear. The doc said my lungs sound excellent, I went to a Pulmologist, had a pulmonary function test and got 100 percent on everything.. they all say, no lung problem.
The barium x -ray did show a small sliding hitial hernia. he said it looks to small to cause any problems, but maybe he is wrong.
Any ideas on something else to do with the stomach-esopoghas that could be causing this?
At my age, I have ruled out esopoghas cancer, this would be highly unlikely right? (just turned 25)
I would appreciate ANY ideas....