Hello Bill, Denise, Teala, Janice and.....?
First- Bill- I was away when you got out. Did you make a run for it? I wouldn't blame you if you did. Tell me you're still at home. Let's hope the hole(s) in the stomach lining are healed and that you're eating now. I'm up in the middle of the night again- and reporting back finally.
I got through my week last week-got the taxes done and saw my new surgeon last Friday. I went directly from that appointment to the 14th annual gathering of 22 guys for a weekend of golf and poker. No heatburn and had a ball and ate and drank pretty much anything. But I'm getting ahead of myself. The Dr. gave me the result of the 24 hour PH test. NEGATIVE.
That's right- normal is 2.3%- mine is . 01 ! The wrap is good- as a matter of fact it's fabulous. He complimented the surgeon who did the 6 hr surgery by saying only 1 out of 10 surgeons would have done it lapriscopically without resorting back to open surgery. This was a huge relief so that I now know that we're dealing with a different problem than hiatal hernia. The esophagus is seeing no acid at all and I'm swallowing normally.
So now he recommended 3 avenues of proceeding. CT scan, barium xray and heart workup. He's very good and just wants to cover all the bases. Why is it that some Doctors just inspire such confidence in them? This one has got both my wife and I on board. What I have is a complete mystery. Anyway- the wrap is good and hopefully the barium swallow will show it at the right place and functioning normally. On the weekend I was a bad boy- wine, ate late and slept great though I lost at poker : ).
Once back home, I ate much better, no alcohol and I'm up in the middle of the night. For dinner tonight- 2 shrimp and a Boost and still I'm up. Go figure. My hope is that this Dr. finds out why the witche's brew in my stomach at night while the days are fine.
Well, that's it for now. I dodged a big bullet with that PH test according to the Dr. and now we have to figure out what else it could be. Isn't the stomach amazing? I'm hanging in there and I hope all of you are too. I hope to get answers soon and will advise.