Hi everyone, I checked on Gilda's Club; I hadn't heard of it before and there are two in Michigan but the closest one is about an hour and 1/2 from here. I love the philosophy, it would be nice to have one nearby.
I'm starting to struggle with two things, one is the concern that I have about this thread running in the GERD forum; I mean is it fair to GERD members? I posted on the Breast Cancer site, but they're a pretty tight knit group and I don't wan't to take away from the mission of this forum.
The other thing that I'm beginning to grapple with is how this went from a no big deal, ittty bitty thing to a serious, extensive, agressive, occupies your mind thing in such a short period of time? I'm having difficultiy dealing with this a bit.
Denise, thank you for your note, I called Chrysa and left a message. Boy, I can't tell you how much I appreciated your kindness in that, I'm sure I'll learn a lot from her!
Kitt, Teala, PALady, Bea, Oakley, Barb, Bill, Denise (boy I hope I'm not forgetting anybody!) As this is moving forward I can't begin to tell you how much your support and friendship means to me. This is such a powerful group and you give me a much needed...everything! You make me smile, laugh, think...you are all so wonderful and I so very thankful!
So, it's another workday morning! (oh hooooray!), and I had better get working...does anyone have any 4th of July plans???
Big hugs!!!