As long as the surgeon is preforming the surgery laproscopic
and he does a loose wrap you should be fine. I had my surgery on Thursday and was back at work on Monday. Really no problems as long as you eat often but small amounts. No more than a cup at a time, every 2-3 hours as you want. The reason for no more than a cup is if you eat more you may experience shoulder and back pain from gas. I did not have any problems with food feeling stuck. I ate full liquid after I got out of the hospital until I saw the surgeon again. Oatmeal is considered full liquid and it really kept me feeling satisfied.
Get a blender and use it. Soups, mashed potatoes etc. Look up full liquid diet on the web and you can choose from there.
Best of luck to all who go thru this. It was a blessing for me. My surgeon was great, he is a bariatric surgeon, and I would do it again if I had to. I can burp but haven't needed to up chuck and hopefully won't. If you get a loose wrap you can burp and not as likely to feel food hanging in the throat. Just don't eat too much at once.