couchtater and all
Sorry for the delays in posting, I have been busy and kind of tired at night lately so that's the reason for the delay.
Let me fill you all in on how it's going.
I had my followup with my DR on 11/05/09 (17 days post op). I'm having some issues, namely some pressure after eating , minor pain around the top of the stomach area, and some very minor reflux type throat irritation which I talked to her about. It seems I'm still eating too fast and too big of bites. My DR says I need to take small bites, chew them to liquid, and wait two minutes between bites. That is SO hard for me and I'm trying to get a handle on it. Also asked about the slight pain and discomfort around the top of my stomach area and she informed me not forget that my stomach was pulled down and stapled, so there is going to be some pain. I forgot to ask, but I'm guessing I have some post-op swelling going on down there too. I'm now officially off the Nexium and the DR warned me that I might get discomfort due to rebound effect of being off the PPI's. That could also account for the discomfort as well I suppose. One of the downsides of the TIF is that it's so new there's not alot of feedback on the forums yet so it's hard to tell what to expect. I'm still sleeping on my wedge at night. After 10+ years of using a wedge, I find it hard to not use it.
Friday 11/06/09 I woke up with quite a bit of pain and pressure in my chest and stomach. It was not nice but not severe like it used to be pre op. I ate slowly and very small portions during the day and it mostly cleared up by that afternoon. Have been OK since with just very minor discomfort.
Diet wise, I'm OK to mix in some more well chewed solids like fruit, pasta, and soft fish, mashed potatoes and the like, but am still taking it easy and doing about 60 % soft foods and liquid still. I don't want to screw anything up.
My weight was 224 lbs at the hospital on surgery day and I'm at 205.9 lbs now. Down about 18 lbs which is good. I'd like to drop about 30 to 40 lbs before the end of the year so I'm on a good start.
The main question is ... would I do it again over the LAP Nissen? Right now the answer is yes. Time will tell how it works out.
I'll get another post up as soon as I can.
couchtater said...
Are you still posting?
I want to know how you're doing......