Hi all
I am scheduled for a scope in two days , however after reading that such a procedure is not recommended if one has diverticula of the esophagus ( pouches ) because of the danger that they could perforate and because I am afraid of having diverticula seing I regurgiate food in my mouth and hear gurgles after I drink , now I am petrified of having the scope , my doctor told me that the scope is done in a slow manner where these pouches can be seen ,and missed by the scope she is not unduly concerned , however everything I read on the net says not to get the scope done if you have such a condition as it is dangerous, I wanted her to send me for a barium swallow first where this condition would show up but she still recommnend the scope , are there any other reason for undigested food to come back in the mouth besides diverticulia , I am very depressed between the pain , the worry and now this, I used to be braver , I don't know when I turned into such a wimp , can anyone address my concerns