Thank you everyone for your input! Research continues to be high on my list. I am determined to be an informed patient. I am working at losing some weight and getting more fit.
Stacey: you must have had a partial wrap if you are able to burp?
Thought I would pass on some info that I have found during my research. Take it or leave it. There are negative effects from the long term use of ant-acids, acid neutralizers, and acid eliminators (the PPI's that are prescribed). The surgeon who is recommending that I have the full wrap Nissan is very against long term use of any of these, especially the PPI's........he insists there is not enough research on the safety of long term use and wonders about the possabilities of cancer.
Reduction of stomach acid could allow Salmonella to flourish. Helicobactor (sp) (linked to gastric ulcers and cancers) could also flourish in low acid levels.
PPI's have been associated with drastic increases in pneumonia in the elderly.
Weakened bones and an increase in the likelyhood of fractures escalates after one year of use of PPI's. PPI's stop or reduce the ability of the body to absorb calcium. I can personally say this is true. I had labs in Dec. 2009 and again in late Feb. 2010. My blood calcium levels have decreased substantially in just those couple of months (in spite of supplements)!!!!!!!
PPI's can cause decreased Vitamin absorbtion. They can interfer with the ability of certain drugs to work (many need stomach acid to do their job). They can inerfer with the outcome of some medical tests.
Face it, without adequate stomach acid, food can't be digested properly and we probably overburden the rest of the digestive system.
Thank you for info on surgical center in Crosby, Mn. Will investigate it.
Minnesota Grandma