Hello all. I am a 45 year old woman, who for the last year and half have been suffering with a variety of symptoms.
- center of chest pain, or on a good day just a dull feeling
- stomach tightness
- heart palpitations
- occasional heart flutters that only go away by clearing my throat
- food feeling like it is stacking up in my chest instead of going down
- occasional regurgitation
- frequent burping
- shortness of breath while not exerting myself (this is scariest of all)
- anxiety attacks when the pain or breathing problem comes
I have been to my GP numerous times. The first time he said it was just anxiety, and put me on buspar and lorazepam. The buspar made me feel soooooo depressed, crying, life wasn't worth living, so I quickly stopped taking it. The lorazepam I take on an as needed basis. I don't want to need it at all!!!
My first ER visit in July 09, I had the breathing thing and went into an anxiety attack and ended up hyperventilating. EKG was good, oxygen levels 100%, so they sent me home.
My second ER visit March 10, breathing thing again while at work. The doctor thought I was having a heart attack and gave me nitro. Oh my God, the pain that gave me was awful! They alleviated that pain with lorazepam and dilaudid. They took a chest x-ray and said my lungs and heart looked fine, maybe esophageal.
Back to the doctor I went and he put me on Nexium. It helped, but not completely, so a few weeks later he added ranitidine 150mg once daily, felt a lot better for about 2 weeks and then back to the norm. He upped it again to twice daily and I did ok for about a month.
I have had an endoscopy that came back normal, an abdominal ct scan, again normal. Went to the doc yesterday and he ordered a chest ct, a barrium swallow and another chest x-ray. I am having those tomorrow morning.
I hope they can find what is wrong so that we can move in the right direction to fix the problem. Like all the posts I have read on this site, I have the same frustration.
I wish you all the best, and if you have any words of wisdom, ideas or just an encouraging word, I would love to hear from you. Sorry this was so long.