All I can say to all of you still suffering is that DGL worked for me, it worked for a few others that were posting on this site quite a while ago too.
It's working for someone I know that works in my building - he was taking Nexium for 10 YEARS and just stopped it cold turkey - I had told him to check with his doctor, of course.
Of course, his doctor (like mine, including specialists) didn't even know about DGL licorice (which by the way does NOT CAUSE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - the glycyrrhizinate normally found in licorice is taken out).
It has been shown to work like Zantac.
He is only using DGL supplements now, and while still controlling his diet and eating his dinner early in the evening, he is no longer taking DRUGS!
If I were any of you I would at the very least try the DGL (dissolve 1-3 tablets in your mouth 20 minutes before eating anything and at BEDTIME - DON'T DRINK ANYTHING AND GO TO SLEEP ON YOUR LEFT SIDE).
Try as much as possible to train yourselves to sleep on your left side, the acid in your stomach cannot seep up into your esophagus if you're on lie on the LEFT!!!
Eat your dinner early and don't eat at least 3 hours before going to sleep.
I have told ALL my doctors about DGL licorice and they ALL agreed with me that they will tell everyone they know (including family members who have GERD symptoms) about it. They also agreed, since they know me well, that they will recommend it to their patients just like they would give them a prescription for a drug.
My gastroenterologist also will use the DGL and he told me "PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE ON THE GERD DRUGS FOR TOO LONG". Well, unfortunately many of you are and you should DO something about it.
I was on Prilosec for ONE MONTH and had a rebound effect and never took another drug again. I started eating ALKALINE food (see my many postings on all that, too much to write now) and using DGL supplements. Within ONE month I was over all the symptoms (mine were so weird that it took an endoscopy to find out that I had GERD - I only had severe nausea and dizziness - never pain in the esophagus).
I really feel sorry for all of you suffering, I know exactly what you're going thru BUT, I'm giving you an answer to your misery. Believe me, I know what a miserable life you have with GERD.
Try the DGL and other tips I've given you, what can it possibly to do you -CURE YOU??????
My best to all,