Hello everyone. I had a Nissen fundoplication done on July 27th. I had a very large hiatel hernia. It's estimated that 3/4 of my stomach was above my diaphragm. Surgery went well but on the second day post op, my oxygen sats dropped to 74 and I was rushed to the ICU and placed on oxygen for two days. Then I was down graded to the progessive care unit for another 3 days. Finally almost a week after surgery, I was released. I drove myself home from the hospital and I was really feeling good. The following Monday I returned to work part time. Each day I worked, the pain seemed to increase. Last week I was only able to work about
3 hours the whole week and even went to the emergency room with severe pains by my ribs. The ER said I had pleurisy but the lung doctor doesn't think that's correct. I've been eating regular food from about
four days post op.
I am still having severe pains by the left stomach incision. It's horrible and I'm not sure what is causing it since it's not directly related to the incision. It's an internal pain and it hurts to move when it happens. If I walk or overdo it (I'm a mom, how can I not overdo it?), I get more pains by my rib cages wrapping around to my back and I tend to hunch over when that happens.
Right after surgery, I had no hunger pains at all. I had a hard time telling if I was full or hungry. That is subsiding but even though I don't eat much, I'm not losing any more weight either. I seem to have stalled and started gaining again.
Any thoughts on what could be causing these problems?