hi its been 3wks since my surgery. I am still getting some burning on my tongue and in my nose. Not sure if its from acid reflux or something else.
I had a drs appt. Tues he said that is too soon after the surgery to really worry about it. I dont think its as bad as it was.
It has also only been 15 days since I quit taking the acid reflux pills so i dont know if I could be having acid rebound or not. I keep hearing other people say they dont have any acid after their surgery. So I am trying to be positive about this.
I am pretty much able to eat what I want except to be real careful. I was still having things get stuck a few days ago so I'm not taking any chances. Still kind of sticking to softer foods. You know nothing like steak.
I sure wish this slight burning would go away. Yesterday I only had it half a day.