I had an appt with my doctor today. I had to cancel the first one due to the stomach virus and I completely forgot and missed the second one. It has now been almost a month since my surgery and I am happy to say that I am feeling SOO much better. I still occasionally eat too fast and have to burp up everything in my esophagas. To me it is almost like reassurance that the wrap is still in good shape. I guess if it wasn't getting stuck I would think the wrap came undone. Before my surgery I practically inhaled my food. My doc says it will take about
6 weeks to feel completely normal. I feel completely normal already except for the food getting stuck on occasion. I will learn to eat slower over time. I only lost about
5 lbs but I believe that is bc of my food choices. I eat less, but it's not healthy choices. I believe I willl continue to drop a few more lbs, just over a longer period of time. So I can now say that the misery was worth it. I no longer have the reflux and it amazes me. I can eat whatever I want and I don't have to worry about
taking my nexium. I no longer have to keep a pharmacy in my purse lol.
Joe, I wouldn't worry about what you are going through now. Give it the 6 weeks like my doctor told me and I think before you know it your problems will disapear. Of course if you have the stuck food like I do, let me know if you have any solutions. I think I just need to get in the habit of eatting slower.