I have had the ph impedance test's result.
I'm trying to translate it but it's not so easy
The ph impedance registration by "acid pull throught",showed a percentual of acid total exposure equal to 0.3%( normal values of Italian population less than 4.8%).
Capacity of esophageal clearance is normal.
The DeMeester score is negative.
Totally the exam registered a higher number of refluxes than normal and equal to 41 (values within < 48 ).
Refluxes are normally distributed in type and frequence of occurrence.
Esophageal bolus clerance's time is normal.
There were 25 symptoms ( 20 heartburns,5 chestpains) unrelated to refluxes.
CONCLUSIONS:the exam is in general NOT indicative of pathological GERD.
Probable functional disease.
Then what does it mean?!?Can I now say that I'm not suffering of GERD???
I don't understand...what do you think about
Next Friday I will go to my GE and ask about
This exam seems to say GERD is not my problem!!!Uhm...
I hope you can understand what I wrote