Posted 7/21/2011 8:40 PM (GMT 0)
I have some questions -
I finally did my upper GI and my doctor said I had no erosion, anything, just reflux. I don't think an UpperGI (Barium swallow) can detect Barrett's right? I have had on and off acid reflux for about 4 years now and I don't think I'm at risk... what do you think?
Ever since taking nexium for one month, I decided I need to stop. More and more studies are finding negative effects of PPIs (I'm sure you've experienced some). I have switched to the primal diet (or near it, I'm transitioning) and so far I'm doing well!
I still get a sore throat when I wake up and a bit of chest pain (not as bad as it was, not even close), and a little reflux. Is this normal from stopping the pill cold turkey (I know that's bad, I'm away from home so I will discuss this with my doctor when I get back)?