Thank you kindly for reading.
I have AR, GERD, a hiatal hernia and am currently on meds as I had a huge flare up several months ago. I posted on another health board but didn't get a response. I guess I'm not interesting enough!
I am happy to be here and it's nice meeting all of you.
I am on Prevacid, Gaviscon and Pepcid Complete. After several months, I'm still struggling.
I can feel the (burning) acid in my throat and have a nasty taste in my mouth 24/7.
I looked at my throat today and saw what looks like a blister on the left side of what looks like an arch in the back of the wide
open mouth. The spot feels irritated. It appears to be a rice-grain size (or a bit smaller) fluid (or yellowish) spot surrounded by red irritated flesh. This left side is more irritated than the right. I read somewhere that this can be caused acid dripping on the particular side on which you sleep.
I've searched boards and haven't seen anyone complain of having this problem.
Has anyone experienced this? Can acid cause a sore in the mouth/throat?
I would really appreciate a reply.
Thanks and blessing,