Not sure who will read this, but I want to say that for the last 16 years or more I've suffered from the effects of a large Hiatal Hernia and reflux. Back in 2005, it really flipped out of control.
This forum is a must read for any one suffering from this horrible affliction that surely comes from the . This forum helped me push way past the fears, concerns, etc. My story is average, and is like most who write or read here. I pray you find help here, and freedom from this wicked thing that has attached itself to you. You can read how this forum helped me, and you can see what a mess I was before and where I am going now. Two completely different ways of life.
Let me begin by saying I am amazed how long I willingly held onto this. At first, I didn't notice it, but Little by little, I started to change how I lived around my life because of issues with Gerd.
Little by little, symptom after symptom began to become a normal part of my daily life. In 2008, my medication journey for being changed began. By 2010, it had been changed again, and then changed again, and again and again. Five times totally, and each time very little relief. I was so confused with what was happening.
By September of 2010, my symptoms were terrible daily. By January 2011, I was in bad shape. Mouth sores, heart palpitations, chest pain, constant burning in my chest & throat, sleep disruptions, choking sensations, waking up unable to breathe, stomach cramps, loose stools, funky breathe, bleeding gums, inability to eat, etc. etc. etc. Gastristis, and inflammation filled my stomach to the throat. My mucosa which protects my stomach was gone, and that created new issues. Painful life.
I was no longer really eating. By June, I had all together stopped eating, and lived on smoothies that I made or bought. I went through the motions of life in pain, confuses, depressed, and the quality of my life sucked.
In June, I began to search out options. Look I never said I was the sharpest knife in the drawer, but physically, I could no longer go on living the way I was, and I knew it.
Test after test was taken, and each revealed surgery was necessary.
August 25, was the date. I started to panic. The inability to eat, the lack of sleep, left me vulnerable to fear. Fear is simply embracing something that hasn't even happened yet and living there. And let me tell you, I lived there.
I found this forum shortly before my surgery. I was starting to back out. Why? I have no idea. Bill, Denise, Kevin, and many others encouraged me, shared their journey's with me, and helped me push past the fears. You can read the blogs. They are all there. I thank GOD for this forum.
They helped me with the terrible aftermath of the one test that about had me cancel everything. They encouraged me to push onward and kept sharing how wonderful it was on the other side.
Even up until the last minute, I was concerned and scared. I had many people praying for me, and yet, I still couldn't get past the fear. I am a pastor, and have seen GOD deliver me from many things, as well as help me through many others. But this, this thing rendered me into something that didn't even resemble me. I now realize I lost sight of Gina through it all. Living day to day took everything i had.
Denise, Kevin, Bill, and the others helped me. They had been where I was, and they knew what to say. God used them to help me over and over and over.
August 25th, at 11:30, I was wheeled into the OR. As I looked around at everything going on, I wasn't sure if I would finish this race or not. I was thinking about the liver being held out of the way, I was thinking of the surgeons working closely to my heart and lungs, I was thinking I wonder if I'll make it out of this alive.
I woke up a few hours later. And so my new journey back to life began.
August 25th- surgery was a success. The doctor took plenty of pictures and was amazed at how things looked when he actually got in there. Everything went perfectly according to him, and he was confident that from this point forward, my quality of life would soon return.
I woke up tired, nausea filled, pain around the incision areas, but no chest pain? chest pains? No throat burning? Who's body is this? A tray of broth, juice, tea, and green jello came to my room. The broth went down easy, the juice was enjoyable, and I didn't touch the green jello...gross...but I was eating and it wasn't bad.
They filled me full of pain relievers, and my sensitive body began to revolt against them. They needed to pump me full of anti-nausea medication to compensate for the pain medication. Every four hours, I was visited with pain killers, nausea relief, etc. All put into my IV. Some of the medications burned, but I didn't care.
This I could deal with. I had cream of Wheat of breakfast. I had no idea how delicious Cream of Wheat could taste. I spent just about 25 hours in the hospital from start to finish. We had a Tropical Storm coming in so a migraine began to plummel my head. But hey, I was eating and when I was done, I wasn't suffering chest pains, throat burning, etc.
The ride home was interesting. I felt every bump, and turn around the incision area, but it was nothing compared to what riding the car use to feel like. Even the migraine assualting me didn't matter.
I got home, and tried to lay on the couch there. I wanted and needed my bed. I took the stairs, yes stairs, one at time, holding on the rail with my one hand, and my other hand holding on to my husband.
Laying down was a challenge, the hospital beds made it so easy to find a position. The headache was more challenging than the surgery. I spent my first day home dealing with the headache issues more than the surgery issues. Eating liquids wasn't as challenging as I thought it would be. I actually enjoy the little broth, juice stuff. I was eating and it was good....only liquids, but still eating...
I didn't sleep well because of the headache, and number it was doing on my stomach. Which is normal for a full blown "I'm kicking your butt" headache. But I was eating....yay...swallowing without air was something I was going to learn how to do...
Day two home: headache still kicking my butt, and now nausea is rolling over and over me. Thanks to Hurricane Irene. Doctor was called, and another form of pain relief was ordered. Eventually we got the headache under control. I slept for four hours. Incisions are sore, and finding a position to lay in was not easy, but I did it. Throughout the day, I was trying to eat, or should I say drink my food, and I kept swallowing air with each attempt. could feel the air moving along down to my stomach. Sigh. I need to figure out how to not do this.
I also found myself unable to have a bowel movement. Which again is part of my senstivity to drugs and my Hypothyrodism. We kept pouring in the stool softner without success. about 11:30pm, i tried a Mineral Oil Enemia. Midnight, no luck. Still not going. At 12:30, I used a regular one, and by 1pm, i had a small measure of success. It was painful, but I went some.
Day three: which is today. I woke up feeling pretty good. I slept slightly on my right side with a soft pillow to stablize the incision area. It was wonderful. I couldn't believe how good I felt. I got up, went downstairs for the first time to visit with my little puppy who was missing me terribly. She hadn't seen me since Thursday morning when I left for surgery. I spent about 15 minutes just petting and talking to her we were both thrilled. I could feel my strength lowering and I wanted a shower. Back up the stairs I went one by one, and into the marvelous shower. Only within a few minutes, I began to shake, and not feel so good. Oh no...I pushed it...I got out, got dressed, and laid down. My husband was fussing at me because i over did it. Sigh. Like I don't realize that now? I am learning what the "no no's" are.
After a good rest of several hours, I am now back up and writing here. I had some Cream of Wheat, and it went down easily without air. I took my time and made sure I didnt breath in with each bite. I was still hungry so I ate a little 3 ounce of applesauce. Over did it again. Sigh. Since then, my mouth is watering a lot, and I can feel my pushing in several areas. So don't push yourselves.
Denise reminded me that the swelling will continue up to day 14, how could I forget it? But forgot it I did. My mouth is really watering and salivia is running like a faucet, but I just swallow or spit it out. I am off the pain medications for 24 hours now, and just using Ibuprofen beacuse of side effect of not having BM's. If you can take it, use it. I can't. So it's Ibuprofen for me. Sigh. Even with that, I am doing great.
If anything changes I will blog more later. But for now, that's where I am on day three. I am so thankful for this blog, and those who encouraged me, and continue to. I pray those who have not yet made that step, will be encouraged to do it, and let us help you push past concerns.
I am so happy I did it. I thank GOD for each person who has held my hand, and continues to do so.