To Steve and everyone else,
I have been on Nexium for the last 6 years until last month (May 2005) where I got a Lap Nissen surgery where they make 5 little holes in your stomach and go in and reshape the valve( laymen's terms). The surgery takes 2 hours and requires about a week at home afterwards.
Now, I have no more reflux and finally said good-bye to Nexium and the vicious circle of "I want to get off this stuff" and then "I just can't deal with the pain anymore" and go back with Nexium.
Nexium gave me: the confusion, the dizziness, the foggyness, the time/space withdrawal, a few episodes of heart racing at 130 bpm for up to 10 hours during the last episode, increased blood pressure, buzzing in the ears... wow that's just too much. The worst is that most doctors don't know about it and think that we are nut jobs, but change Docs until you get someone who will listen and help you the way you deserve to be helped.
After 30 days off of Nexium, my blood pressure went down, I have a clearer mind, no more heart racing episodes, no more unjustified nervousness, but I still get some lightheadedness and hope that this is still a B12 deficiency issue that will eventually correct itself. (Anyone dealing with the constant lightheadedness, I'd like to hear about it).
Nexium does cause anemia due to malabsoption of B12 and / or Iron that causes nerve damages after long term use.
Unfortunately Nexium in my case was the only medicine that helped me with my reflux (I had / have Barrett's) and even though I tried Parriet, Zantac, Prilosec, Protonix, etc... nothing else worked.
One thing that I suggest to explore about the cycle of Nexium (stop it and then be forced back on) is to google about "Nexium Rebound withdrawal" where it is suggested that after coming off of Nexium there is usually a rebound or worst episode of reflux after a few days off the drug. Some sites suggest to decrease dosage to one pill a day to one pill every other day and so on...and after that, see how it goes. The issue is: coming off Nexium, which in my opinion is a necessary poison, shouldn't be done without consulting with your doctor because you do not want to cause more damage to your oesophagus in order to aleviate the side effects of the drug.
Anyway, after 30 days off the drug, I surprised myself laughing again and that feels pretty good.
Keep looking for doctors who will truly help you with your GERD by acknowledging that the multiple side effects are real, so you can find the best approach for you (if such doctors exist...)
Good luck!