Hi dbab
I have suffered from a burning throat on and off for years and was continually bad for several months recently,including severe hoarseness. It was awful and really scary - thought I had something sinister going on in my throat. So much so that I went privately(which I can't really afford) to a specialist who found I had severe burning and candida in my throat. I was yet again prescribed antacids - nexium this time which made me worse especially the candida. I then came across using juiced ginger first thing in the morning which has helped enormously and my symptoms have calmed down and I feel ten times better. I am not symptom free yet by any means as I have not been very good at sticking to a proper diet etc. However I can say that I no longer have the extreme burning in my throat. That is until Friday at a retirement party. After drinking wine and cider, eating chips and dips, speaking loudly in a smokey atmosphere I became quite hoarse and my throat was raw! Today, Sunday it's fine and I will not do that again.
I am now going to get on to this regime as I have realised it's best for me. The juiced ginger cannot harm and is really worth a try. I was on antacids continually for three years before I knew anything about them and now I wouldn't touch them again. I would rather stick to a bland diet if required but don't think that is always the case. adjca is correct with drinking only spring water - that's a good start.