Hi Donna,As you are recovering you'll have some ups and downs. You don't need to worry that you've done something to your wrap. At six weeks you're still at the very early stages of recovery, and bloating and an irritated wrap are to be expected.
Some bloating at this point is still to be expected. Really, for the first year you could get some intermittent bloating issues. It doesn't mean that anything is wrong. You're still healing and your upper GI tract is adjusting to the MAJOR changes that were made to your stomach.
If you're following your surgeon's directions you'll do just fine. Nausea at this point--especially after overdoing it with eating--is also within the norm.
The bloating won't stretch the wrap. You didn't say if you can burp. If so, Gax-X will help. My guess is that when you're bloated you can't burp (once the bloating gets a head start it presses on the wrap and keeps it from being able to burp).
Most of all, don't stress. This too, will pass. You're in the process of recovering from major surgery to your upper GI tract, and there will be some ups and downs.
Just baby your stomach for a while, and things will get right back to normal.
Take care!