I'm feeling a bit hopeless...I have posted before but I'll give my background (sorry it's a little long). 2 months after having my son, I had an Upper GI due to stomach pains. The stomach pains ended up being due to an SSRI that I had just recently started taking and went away quickly. It was during that Upper GI that a "small amount" of reflux was seen. I was shocked to hear that, because I have never felt heartburn in my life. I also do not suffer from any of the other reflux symptoms, such as coughing, hoarseness, belching, sore throat, anything like that. I talked to my PCP and she did not want to treat me since I wasn't having symptoms. I started reading up on silent reflux and Barrett's Esophagus and got scared so I asked for a referral to a GI. So, 13 months after my Upper GI showing reflux, I was given an endoscopy and I was found to have "Garden Variety Esophagitis" as my GI said, most likely due to acid reflux. The only other possible thing is that I had just (3 days earlier) started taking an antibiotic at night before bed and there is a *slight* possibility that it caused damage to my esophagus since it was taken and then I went straight to bed, but it is not as likely. One interesting thing is that a few months before my endoscopy, I started snoring like a bear. I had always had a light snore, but this got so bad that my husband slept on the couch some nights. I think it's important to also mention that during this time, I had gained a decent amount of weight. Between the pregnancy and the SSRI's, I am now about
25-30 pounds overweight, though at one time I was closer to 45 pounds over. I don't know if that could be causing some of my issues.
So, my GI wanted to treat me for reflux and put me on Dexilant 60 mg once/day. This would also heal the erosion to my esophagus. She wanted me to stay on it for 2-3 months and then get a Barium Swallow done. If all looked clear, she wanted me to stop taking it. I told her I wasn't comfortable with that because how was I supposed to know if my esophagus started to get damaged again since I had absolutely no symptoms? So, she agreed that after a few months off the Dexilant, she will do another endoscopy and if there is any damage we will know I need long term treatment.
So, I had my Barium Swallow done earlier this week. I got a call from my doctor's office later telling me to go ahead and stop the Dexilant and we will do endoscopy in a few months. I spoke to the nurse (who I'm not sure knows what she is talking about
) and she said everything was normal, but because of my health anxiety and prying, she read the following to me "Minimal reflux in supine position that was unable to duplicate". I asked her what that meant, and she said that when I was lying down, at one point the radiologist saw a minimal amount of reflux, but he tried to get it to happen again, and couldn't.
I don't know how to take that. I thought that if I was being treated with PPI's that I wouldn't have reflux? I am so stressed out about
all of this. I put in a call to the doctor but I don't know if/when she will call me back. I am worried that if I am having reflux, even on the medicine, how will my esophagus ever get better and I feel like it will turn to Barrett's Esophagus.
I don't know if I am overreacting. My husband said that obviously if the doctor was worried then she would not have taken me off of the Dexilant, but I can't help but overanalyze it all.
Does anyone have any input? Is it normal to still get "minimal reflux" even when you are on a PPI?