Hello and thank you for reading.
Approx 3 weeks I started having symptoms similar to Acid Reflux - tightness in my chest, sensation in my throat, constant burping for relief etc. I saw my PCP who gave me an RX for prilosec and pepsid. I started taking them really without any type of relief. Then about a week ago I starting having a pretty good amount of discomfort in my sternum. Pretty much right near the bottom of my sternum but also in the center at times. I again saw my PCP who thought it was muscular and gave me a sample of Celebrex. In the mean time I had the barium swallow that came up negative for everything - no errosion, hernia etc.
To this day I still have discomfort in my sternum, the celebrex does give me some relief. I cannot lay flat without having a sensation and tightness in my chest and throat. I have also had some difficulty breathing so I am no going to get a PFT to check for asthma.
When I wake in the morning I still have some discomfort in my sternum but overall I feel pretty decent. Once the afternoon comes and I am finished with lunch I start to have symptoms similar ro Acid Reflux - burning and discomfort in my chest and the feeling that there is something stuck in my throat. That usually lasts a few hours, than when I finish with dinner and it seems to come back. At points in between lunch and dinner I have sternum discomfort. As I type this; I ate dinner about an hour ago and I have the feeling like something is stuck in my throat, my chest feels tight and I feel bloated.
My PCP is not sure if it is Acid Reflux or a muscular issue. Has anyone out there experienced anything like this? If you have was it indeed acid reflux or a muscular issue around your sternum? I have been going through this for a few weeks now and really have no clue what is wrong with me and to be honest it concerns me.
I am 27 years old, 170 pounds and I am active. My monther suffered with GERD for many years so I do have a family history of it.
If my PFT comes back negative I am going to ask for another ppi to see if that changes anything. If it does I am going to ask for a referral to a GI. If a second ppi does not help I am going to ask for a referral to an Ortho. Any feeback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.