I Posted about
this back in March of last year and meant to come back sooner. In the past remedies that worked allways seemed to be temporary so I have been reluctant to re-post. But having taking Garlic daily for over a year I can tell you that my Acid Reflux-Gerd symptoms are mainly a distant memory. I have my life back, can eat or drink anything (within reason), no longer feeling that this will end my life in about
10 years or so. I'm hoping others can enjoy the same success so read on...
In my search for some relief I found a few aritcles stating that Garlic is a natural antibiotic and is the only natural way to kill the H pylori bacteria that an estimated 80% of reflux sufferers have.
Over Christmas during a bad bout of reflux related symptoms I ate two raw cloves and once my mouth cooled off I was surprised to note that my symptoms had subsided.
Its been almost 3 months and I have been taking Garlic supplemants daily ever since. I found eating the raw garlic too powerful and it was definitely noticeable to others. I have since started using Garlic supplements in capsule form. Initially I did experince a little more Heartburn but this was always the least of my symptoms and eventually this has subsided as well.
I no longer have the constant "lump in throat" sensation, excessive globulos and mucus in the back of throat, burning behind the breast bone, excessive throat clearing, chronic indigestion etc. Garlic is said to regulate bowel acitivity and though I didnt think I had a problem in this area its now apparent that I did.
Any re-occrence of symtoms I have had have been rare and usally resolved easily with either some raw almonds or candied ginger.
Not sure if all Garlic supplements are equal. The one I take I get from Walmart and indicates it has about 4000 mcg of the active ingreedient Allicin and says that one tablet is equal to 3 cloves of fresh garlic,
Best of Luck