Thanks for the replies so far everyone, reading them eagerly :)
daddypig said...
Since the op my stomach is smaller, but I can eat whenever I like and the bed is blissfully flat, down to two pillows! I waited until id had my two week post op but secretly I think it was instant.
Hmm, to be honest I suspected that this should be the case, unfortunately (for those without any notable early improvement). Despite reading about
the role of recovery and that the wrap is initially misshapen etc, I can't imagine that the majority of a wrap's success shouldn't be perceived early on. I mean how much inflammation can there be?
The reason I ask is that I'm not sure how much reflux to tolerate early on at the expense of going for a re-wrap to improve/tighten it. I use the word 'early' relatively - eg I've read opinions stating to give it beyond 6 months and even years to gauge its success. I'm starting to wonder whether that really is valid and just false reassurance passed on from the surgeons, ultimately doing a disservice to yourself in losing the potential benefit of a better wrap. I'm not concluding here folks, just thinking aloud.
Daddypig can I ask you more about
your case, you sound similar to me (volume reflux). Do you know the underlying cause (eg was the problem in the stomach, the esophagus, the LES), what your manometry/pH/EGD showed and whether the surgeon told you about
the tightness of your Nissen? If you had such a reduction in volume reflux early on, I'm guessing it was pretty tight, and if so, did you also have a lot of the corresponding difficulty swallowing early on?