I've been trying it for the first time,
in tea form. I make the tea myself
from a mix that a local health store sells.
I don't know yet what to make of it.
I know that in Canada they've used it a
lot, as it came down through a native
Indian custom then through a Canadian
nurse of decades ago.
I seemed to have had however, a
rapid "de-tox," event, or so it seemed,
as I slightly upped my intake in the
first 2 days that I took it. That's ok,
because Essiac is supposed to work
well and is meant as a gradual detox
for cancers. But I'm not experienced,
nor have I known of anyone personally
whose used it for cancer, which is why
I'm taking it.
I do know that in general, it's a good
detoxer, gentle, and is supposed to
be in general, an overall energy-lifting
tea to drink. I imagine however, since
it does detox systems, that in the first
week or two, if taken regularly, you will
probably have the experience of body detox,
and that makes you feel bad; so don't mistake
that feeling for the Essiac. That would happen
with any type of "cleansing" product.
John F. Kennedy used to take it regularly,
daily, as he suffered much physical sickness,
so he took it as a "regulator" of his energies.
Anyway, that's all I know...
will keep in touch as time moves forward
in my taking of Essiac...