Hi, Jason 25 years old.
For about 5 months now, my left Salavia Gland has been swollen. The
swelling varies from day to day, with no pattern that I can tell.
I have had every blood test, Catscan, MRI, x-ray, nothing has come up
except, Acid Reflux. My doctor prescribed prevacid, I have taken it for
70 days, and no change. The severity seems to have a mind of its own.
All tests have come up negative except the acid reflux. I have always belched
my whole life, since the prevacid, it seems to have slown down. I changed
my eating habits, to no pop, spicy food, tomato sauce, and anything fried.
I eat super healthy, excercise all the time, I even stopped drinking alcohol for 4 weeks.
no change. This all started 2 weeks before I bought a house, and was fixing it up.
The back of throat has post nasal drip lines, but there is no congestion in my nasal cavities.
I do sleep with my mouth open sometimes, but have gotten a humidifer. You name It I have
tried it! I feel healthy just have throat problems. If any body has anwsers, please let me know.
I have had enough of this crap! Thanks!!