Hi Nickel,Congrats on your meal! At your stage I made the mistake of eating Pad Thai, and the rice noodles just didn't chew well. I got some stuck, and had some problems for a couple of days. It is perfectly normal to be able to eat regular food as long as it can be throughly chewed to a liquid consistency. When you take your time and chew your food thoroughly, your mouth is your portable blender!
The mucous in your esophagus is your body's reaction to irritation, and you've been through a lot. Your stomach has been stretched and wrapped and stitched. Your upper GI has undergone a big revision, so it will take time for things to settle down. Symptoms you had post-surgery won't disappear without being given time to heal and adjust.
One month is very early in your healing. You've got 6 months for most of the healing and a full year for the rest. I found continued fine-tuning into the second year.