hrpufnstuf said...
I was diagnosed with Barrett's in 2012 during an EGD for stomach aches. The stomach looked fine, but an ultra short segment 1cm Barrett's was found. I had this throat-clearing thing for at least 10 years prior for which my docs could not pinpoint a cause so I guess in retrospect I was having GERD the whole time but no other GERD symptoms. After trying different PPI's I chose Nexium because of the reading I had done which reported slightly better results and doc said there's not much difference between them and to pick the lowest cost. My insurance copay for Nexium was high but I continued to use it and now so glad it's OTC.
After my 2nd EGD in 2013 12 months after the 1st he said I could wait 3 years for the next. I was afraid to wait so I had another 12 months later in 2014. Now I just had my 4th last week. I've been worried that it would progress to Dysplasia so I researched and found a GI doc in my area that does RFA just in case. Surprise, surprise, my GI called with results from last week and said no Barretts in any of the biopsies. Could be the biopsies missed it, or it could be gone, he said. He recommended another EGD in 3 years, but I will have another in 18 months. If it's still gone, he thought we could stop periodic EGD's.
Keep the faith.
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