I have been a sufferer for about
12=15 years, my first scop was in 99, second in 2004, showed HH and mild irritation, have been on prilosec or some form of Omeprazole for the whole time...I had a recurrence bad back in Dec 2007 for about
a month, got it back under control, I think it happened again in 2009 or so and got better again..had a colonsocopy on 4/27/12 and since that day GERD has been unbearable....I feel the following.
1. Feel lump in throat
2. I can feel my food going down, it feels like its passing through a tube of gravel.
3. Hearburn no matter what I eat.
4. Feeling of stuff washing back up into my esoph.
5. lots of gas pressure.
I will admit two things I am doing that are not good. I have been switching PPI.s around for some time now, based on cost or if they seem to work, but I have been switching every 3-4 days, like desperation to fix this.
I do not feel and have not been really eating....I am almost afraid to eat.
As an example, I just went to take my morning med with water, and I can feel the water washing back up, and I want to burp bad.
anyway I saw the GI doc yesterday and they are going to scope me soon, and they gave me protonix.
I am honestly really really afraid they are going to find barrets or cancer in there, I guess I feel my symptoms are not normal, I have posted a few different posts here, for the moderators sorry for that, I am desperate for some reassurance or insight, and reading through others posts gets really confusing with everyone and thier natural methods (not bashing it I swear) and ingredients that I have never heard of.
THanks to all of you here, I am sorry for your suffering, I havent slept good in days and cannot eat, if anyone else goes through this i feel for you.
want to be