Well they say IBS is normally an issue in the bowel or intestines right?
My condition is a little odder. I personally think, but do share some ground with others here like that stupid throat clearing I despise and burping after every meal. Geez WHY?
My past gastroentorologist diagnosed me with IBS/GERD. However, like I said, I never accepted the IBS diagnosis, why? Well, because I never had the other symptoms of IBS. Looking back and putting everything together with my current Naturopathic Dr., I feel "maybe" something like IBS, SIBO, parasites, bacteria or in my intestines is pushing everything back, making me feel bloated, burping, and sore throat. I don't know. One thing though, I did notice when I had my endoscopy they did see my valve slightly open. Meaning, it could be structural. I have no idea, but the trip is this.
I took a product called paragone last year in 2011 and it helped me for like 2 months. I had never felt this good in 6 years of suffering, but then my symptoms came back because I started eating junk like chips, cookies, fried foods. I only did this because I had lost 20 pounds in 3 months. I am on the product again to see if it helps again, but I am not being strict with the diet because I cannot lose weight again.
I also replied because this is the second time I hear another Gastro say that IBS can possibly be pushing or causing GERD/Heartburn.'
I did have h pylori for the longest, but I think I eradicated it for good. I thought maybe this causing my symptoms, but is gone. I tested twice and it no longer shows positive with a stool/breath test.
The only thing I recommend is research, ask questions, and know that everyone is different. What may work for me may not work you. There will be ppl who discount one remedy while other will live by it. Keep an open mind and know everyones body is different. I keep an open mind, or at least I try. I tried one way and it did not work for ME, but now I will try another way.
Before I forget, did your Dr. check for H pylori?
I would also stay away from soda and sugar personally. I do this already. I started doing years before I even had symptoms. Sugar and soda are not good. I do not like going to the dentist, so I keep sugar to a real minimum like less than 10 grams a day from food that has natural occuring sugar.
I think the avg person eats maybe more than 100 a day? IDK.