Hi Barry,You're just under 3 months post-op, and at your stage these types of quirky events can happen. Unfortunately, many surgeons underplay the difficulty of this recovery. While the symptoms that sent you to casualty aren't typical, you've been through major surgery not all that long ago.
The problem with laproscopic surgery is that on the outside you look like nothing has happened, while on the inside things have been traumatized and have a lot more healing to do. Remember--six months for the majority of healing and a full year for the rest.
Those types of symptoms can also be very anxiety-inducing, which can add to the mix of what you experienced. Take it as easy as you can, and definitely pick up some acid reducer (either your PPI or Zantac) for the short term, until your healing has a little more time to progress.
Try to keep your eye on the prize and keep a positive outlook if you can. The mind-body connection is strong, and you want to give your healing as much help as possible!
Very best wishes,