Hi Curb,At 11 days post op your wrap is becoming increasingly swollen and uncomfortable. Generally peak swelling is on or about 14 days. Your insight into the possible cause of your discomfort is right on. It's highly likely that food and drink is getting held up at the wrap site. It's a common problem at your stage of healing.
It's also likely that you'll experience some pain when swallowing during this time. I remember times when I swallowed and it felt like I was swallowing a huge air bubble. Ouch!
Just take it very easy on eating as you move toward peak swelling. Small bites and chew, chew, chew. If you're no longer on liquids, you might find them more comfortable during these days of increased swelling. Just listen to your body and take things slow. Stay away from iced drinks, as they can cause some painful spasms.
Once you've reached peak swelling it will gradually go down and you're on the road to recovery. It's totally common for swallowing to get worse before it gets better during the first two weeks post-op.
Don't worry about reflux. Often when the wrap is swollen or very tight during the early healing weeks and months, there can be a feeling of irritation that mimics reflux. Very often it's caused by food that's held up at the wrap site and is just plain iritating.
Hang in there...it's not forever.
It will get better!
Best wishes,