I am at 6 months after the Nissen Fundoplication, and yesterday I purchased a really sweet bike for me and the wife. We rode around for about 5 hours. Near the end we ate food (not a huge amount, but I felt uncomfortably full.....I've been feeling very full lately after only a little bit of food).
On an empty stomach, we rode over a long, rickety bridge (jostling us as we rode), and we pushed hard to climb up hills on the bike, etc.
My surgeon said (I reconfirmed with him many, many, many times) that I could lift weights (even 200 lbs) a few months after the surgery.
My stomach kinda hurts now, though I think it's just a bit sore because I really haven't been using any of my muscles for like the past year.
But it did feel weird when I leaned over to move something.
I'm probably worrying unnecessarily, because the idea of destroying the wrap by lifting too much scares the beejeebus out of me.......so I guess what I'm kinda asking for here is some reassurance, or for someone to warn me not to ride bikes and stuff. I really like riding bikes for very long distances and I really, really love lifting weights.
I understand the wrap should be able to handle all of that. My surgeon actually said that the Nissen could handle all of that while the TIF does not.
It is my understanding that the whole "do nothing, don't lift ANYTHING" after the Nissen is an Old Wive's Tale remnant of the Nissen surgery as it used to be, years ago, and that it no longer holds any bearing when done properly by a good surgeon.
Any thoughts?