Hi Just Ducky,Welcome to the Healing Well Wrapped Club!
I'm a retired teacher and had my surgery the end of February during the school year, 2009. I'd planned on going back to the classroom half days after two weeks, but had lung complications that kept me home longer. (In case you didn't run into my early recovery journal, here's the link:
Half days are a great option, once you've gotten your strength back and are feeling better. It will give you a chance to be with your kids without having the entire weight of the classroom on your shoulders. You know how tired you are at the beginning of the school year without having just gone through major surgery. (Yes, it's major, even though it's laproscopic!) I kept in touch with my sub and TA through email, which is a real blessing. If your classroom is wired for technology, you can even Skype!
Listen to your body. Go with the flow...follow your recovery's lead, and don't try to rush it. If you can surrender to the path your recovery takes and just tag along, you'll find it much easier. Those who struggle against it and try to rush things have a difficult time of it.
Take that Super Woman suit off and hang it up in the classroom. You can get it out when you go back to the classroom full time. You'll need it!
Happy Healing!