Hi Marvin,You've already had three excellent responses to your post. Like the good members who posted their support and thoughts, I understand your frustration and fear. Obviously, you need to be able to eat. When you say, "everything goes down as long as I don't take a big gulp or it gets stuck." It sounds like you're taking large bites and that's when the problems occur.
Even at 3 months, you'll need to take very small bites and chew, chew, chew, until whatever you're eating is a liquid/creamy consistency. If small bites go down, then take only small bites. If you can swallow liquids and small bites go through your wrap, then it sounds like it's working fine.
Keep in mind that this surgery takes a full 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. You're half-way to the six month mark, but still have plenty of healing time ahead of you. In other words, what you're going through is within the range of "normal" among people recovering from Nissen surgery.
You will need to continue taking small bites and chewing food to a liquid consistency for as long as it takes. In fact, you'll always have to eat more slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Remember that the wrap is a barrier that stops acid from refluxing, but also stops food from easily entering the stomach. I'm 3 and a half years post-op, and I still have to eat slowly and chew my food thoroughly.
If I'm misunderstanding you, and you can't get liquid and even very small, fully chewed bites of food through your wrap, your surgeon should have learned what's going on by looking at your barium swallow results, so he/she will know how to help you. As Joy suggested, you might consider getting a motility study to see if there is a problem with your swallowing. If you find that your surgeon can't solve your problem in a reasonable time, I suggest that you seek out a highly qualified, highly experienced Nissen surgeon who can offer you a second opinion.
I understand your concern about going back to work. I wish you all the very best.
Take care,