Wow, thats a lot of info you want. I'll try.....
61 years old, 122#, 5;2", taking Prilosec 2x a day.
Symptoms are burning in the upper stomach, acid reflux at night, tightness around bra by late afternoon, bloating, nausea at times. No all occuring at night either. Could sugar have anything to do with it? I was on LC for about 2 years and have gradually gone off it and added back some sugar and seems this has been when all my problems started all over again. Either that or it's a coincidence.
I'm retired so don't appear to be under stress but do have a lot of anxiety. I do take Mylanta when it gets bad.
I only drink 2 cups of instant coffee in the morning. What is BIOCHEM combination?
I never eat 4 hours before bed.