Charley Rice,Hello and I hope you remember me because I followed your heart touching story as you shared with us each step of the way throughout your wife's life with Alzheimers. This is Kitt and yes I am still around and still moderating in the A & P Forum, the GERD Forum and a couple of others.
Lyn is not online here much but I do catch up with her from time to time on one of the social networks. I know she would love reading your thread so I will let her know you have posted.
I bought the book you were writing about your wife and what a great tribute it was to both of you. I am sorry to read of your cancer as I understand what you are going through - I was dx on 8/16/2012 with Stage IIIC Colon Cancer. I had my GERD pretty well under control but the chemo is causing me heartburn - my problems seem very small right now compared to the devestation caused by The Storm - Sandy !
Here is a link to my Caring Bridge for you Charley: