theacidrefluxman said...
@ Hort, where did you see that muscle pain/twitching is caused by acid reducers? not doubting you, just curious.
I have had a relapse of the right side pain. I am only taking Align right now...I hate this. It is a strong pain, makes me very worried even though its been on and off for a year now. I wish I just knew what it was. Its been a year since I had an ultrasound on it (ultrasound was done when it hurt a lot, and it showed nothing). I don't think I can go years with this pain, its horrible.
Yeah same here, they did ultrasound on me as well, showed nothing, also they did endoscopy, nothing, pain was really sharp like a knife and disapeared severals years after my Zantac medication, the pain was in such a bad area as well so you got worried it was inflammed Appendix all the time.