Megan,You had major surgery on your stomach/upper GI tract just 3 months ago. It is very common to still have an irritated stomach and esophagus after that. One fully healed, you'll likely be able to eat all those things, but right now they're still irritating.
Think about it. Your stomach was pulled, wrapped, and stitched. You had the surgery for a reason, too, which probably included an inflamed and irritated esophagus and stomach. These things take time. You are making yourself crazy by worrying about something you have no control over.
You can't make this happen any faster than it will. Just because you can swallow and eat anything you want, doesn't mean you should. Help your healing stomach by being respectful of it. Keep in mind that it has been through a lot, and is likely quite devastated at the moment. If your stomach could talk, it would yell, STOP! Baby it for a while as you heal.
Your surgeon most likely never had a Nissen surgery himself. Therefore, he only has a theoretical idea of what the recovery is like. Perhaps theoretically you can eat all the curry you want, but in reality, your stomach is not ready for that.
You need to listen to your stomach and when it complains, you know that you're going too fast. Believe me, one day you'll be able to eat that curry again.
You are still healing. Remember it takes a full six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. I had improvements into my second year. Once the initial healing occurs, a lot of the improvements come as your body adjusts to the changes.
This is no small thing. You've had major surgery. Just because your outsides are healed, doesn't mean your insides are. What you're experiencing is NORMAL.
Relax. Surrender to your recovery and let it lead the way. You can't stress this away, or worry it away, or rush it. Your GI tract will heal in its own sweet time. Everyone is different and our healing process is unique. Take it easy on that healing stomach of yours and give it a chance to regroup! It will heal and you will eat those yummy spices again. Hang in there!
Take care,