ADist said...
Just found this forum & thread and it expresses perfectly why I feel so frustrated. My relatives just say "Take a Tums" They don't understand how much my chest hurts and how badly it can affect me. The first time I had a severe acid reflux attack I ended up in the emergency room it was so bad -- I thought I was having a heart attack. I was diagnosed about 6 months ago and still get those horrible, debilitating attacks 1-2 times a week. It's not something I can just pop an antacid and feel 100% better.
The only one who understands me is my wife who has seen me shivering and in tears because of the pain of a strong attack.
I'm glad you wife is being understanding. For awhile there my husband wasn't that great about
the situation. Over the past few months he has started to understand a lot better. Mainly because of the same sort of situation you are saying!
I don't think it helps that we have Larry The Cable Guy on TV saying "go ahead and eat that chili dog just take this medicine and everything will be perfect!". It also doesn't help that the average normal heartburn people get is NOTHING compared to what we get. I know the heart attack feeling you are talking about
. The only way I can get it through someone's head is to say how it feels like a heart attack and how stabbing myself will a knife seems like a perfectly logical solution at the time. They start to realize that maybe it is a bit more severe than just taking a Tums!
But I agree... if one more person tells me to just take a Tums, I'm going to loose my mind!