Hello to you all and goodmorning
This really is a great forum and a great place to go for information. I really appreciate the information. As some of you know, regular physician's can rush through much and explain little. When I first pointed out what was going on with me he really didn't explain GERD, the causes, the symptoms, etc. but rather put me on the PPI's (although not to throw him under the bus, he's one of the best Docs I've been to). I hope to see a GI Doc soon. I'm about
an hour away from one (perks of living in a small town, in a small state). But you are totally right, Joy and thankyou. I do need to get some peace of mind and stop worrying so much. Yes I totally agree about
the diet, ericapeace. It also seems when I overeat, my symptoms tend to worsen. I hope your appt goes well, incontrol. I'm sure it will! And of course thankyou so much, Bill. You are so very helpful. All of you are, in fact. I am very thankful for this place. It has given me some peace of mind and I am so happy for that! I plan on making an appt with a GI this Friday. Hope everything goes well, and hope you are all doing well, too!