Hi IlliniFan,While you just have 5 tiny incisions, your insides have been manhandled--other organs have been moved and held out of the way so surgical tools can be inserted. Your hernia was repaired, and your upper GI tract had a major revision.
Try to do as little strenuous work as you can. If you're picking up (or course very light things only) do a little, lie down and rest, do a little more. Bend wth your knees, rather than bending at the waist. Baby yourself as well.
Vacuuming and mopping is very strenuous and uses a lot of muscles. Leave that to someone else.
Do you have a teenage neighbor or relative you could hire to help you with all this? You could be the supervisor, and oversee it closely, but it would keep you from having to stress your muscles (that have been cut to enter with surgical tools) and organs.
Bottom line...remember you're recovering from major surgery. Take it easy. Listen to your body. You already overdid it and are feeling the consequences. Don't make things worse by pushing yourself today. Your job right now is HEALING!
Before very long you'll be back at your normal activities. Take advantage of your situation and let others wait on you for a change. Don't be a hero!
Happy healing!