Hi all,
I'm a 42 year old male living in Asia. I've been having symptoms of GERD for over 20 years now, but never knew what it meant until a few years ago. I've tried everything from life style changes to medication but nothing seems to help.
I'm tired and don't see a point in living (not suicidal) if life has to be like this. I think that this GERD is worse than a vicious circle because it keeps adding problems that can all be accounted to the GERD itself or the medication used to suppress it. For example, panic attacks force me to use Valium... I also have spastic intestines sometimes but that could be a problems that stands on its own. duspatalin helps great with that, but that's another medicine = Poisson in my body.
I had my last endoscopy a year ago but had many before. One month ago the doctor upped my Nexium dose to 40mg 2x daily, but I did that - done that in the past and it didn't help. I also tried combinations like nexium and zantac but that would make me extremely depressed.
I've made the decision to have a surgical procedure done. I've found that there are a few options to choose from.
TIF eventhough it's noninvasive, it's probably not for me. 1. I can't find a hospital in Asia that performs it. 2. it seems that the procedure/tool is patented and that scares me. There will be a lot of false propaganda out there.
nissen fundoplication invasive but probably the best solution for me.
I have a few things to consider. My procedure has to be done in Thailand, Vietnam or maybe an other option the area. I have to pay for it myself because my insurance won't cover it. depending on the costs, i might have to save months or maybe a year.
GERD has ruined me financially. I get paid by the hours that I work and The last years I have worked just enough to pay for my living expenses. Every time I had some money saved, GERD forced me to work less hours or stop work completely until my money ran out and I had no choice but going to work while suffering.
This was a little about
me and my problem. I hope I wasn't rambling. Now, I will try to find as much information about
the topic as i can by reading your posts. I hope to find some people who had there procedure done in Asia so I can get some recommendations about
doctors. I'm interested in hearing from all of you but please don't talk to me about
medication and/or life changes.