Hi Sharon,It's very common to have some foods get held back at he wrap site during the early weeks of healing. There's no need to cough/retch it back up. Instead, be sure to have some room temprature water, or even better, warm tea. When something is held up at the wrap site, sip the tea. It will relax the esophagus and help with the spasms caused by the hold-up.
I rememer one time in the first months when we were eating in a restaurant and I stupidly ate a half a cherry tomato. I chewed it thoroughly, but it got stuck. I didn't have a warm drink to help calm down he spasms, and it was very painful. Still, after a few moments of real discomfort the tomato went through. I discovered two things--cherry tomatoes don't chew completely, and I always needed to order tea, just in case!
My surgeon told me not to worry if something gets stuck...that it will go down eventually. The panic you felt is the cause of the fact that you were a "mess". It takes a full 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. You're at the one month mark. You can see that you're at the very beginning of the healing process.
If your wrap is irritated from the experience, back off the foods a bit and move to an earlier stage. Soft foods and liquids will work well until the swelling (that was likely made worse by the retching experience) calms down. It will calm down.
Be sure to take small bites and chew, chew, chew. Always have a beverage nearby--no iced drinks, though. Sipping a warm liquid helps calm things down and get whatever is stuck through the wrap.
It will get better, don't worry! The weight loss is very normal. Don't worry, unfortunately it will return all too easily.
Happy New Year!
Hang in there,