Hi Kathy,
I'm sorry to hear that you're suffering from your GERD issues. I've always had plain old GERD, not Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, so I'm not sure if the eating restrictions are the same, but I can share some of my experiences if you'd like. Are you having a flare-up that started recently? GERD can be very difficult to deal with when the acid starts burning your esophagus. It takes a long time to heal, and it's easy to get a little down when your symptoms don't clear up right away.
Yes, egg custard is my most favorite food for healing GERD flare ups. It's very good, and is so gentle on your stomach. I find I can eat it comfortably when nothing else works. Fortunately, I had the Nissen Fundoplication surgery the end of February, so my GERD symptoms have cleared up, but I am going through the post-surgical healing process, which is a different type of challenge. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised with the surgical recovery--compared to the recoveries I've experienced after GERD flareups, the surgery was a piece of cake.
In my experience, I could exercise comfortably without GERD symptoms as long as I did it on an empty stomach. I'm talking fitness walking here...not situps. Not sure how those would go. Your LES valve doesn't work, so be sure you don't bend over to pick things up or tie your shoes...the acid just spills on into your esophagus.
When I've gone out to eat during a GERD recovery, I just stayed away from fried foods (really bad...the grease allows everything to reflux easily), spicy foods, and rough foods like popcorn. Of course no alcohol or coffee. Did anyone tell you that chocolate, caffeine, and peppermint are big triggers? I find that decaf tea (I make it weak) is always tolerated well. Everyone is different. You'll have to see what works for you. Cream soups are soothing to my tummy, too.
Fortunately, I don't suffer with anxiety during GERD, but I know many people do. Generally it's because they're worried about their symptoms and are fearful that there is something more serious going on. If you read around the posts on this forum, you'll find that many people have experienced similar symptoms. You don't have to worry. You will recover, your burned esophagus and vocal cords will heal, and you'll feel your old self again. If this problem is chronic for you, you can seek other options.
I assume you're on PPI's for acid, right?
If I'm missing the mark here, let me know.
Good luck, Kathy. Hope you feel better soon.