Zeka,You're still in the early stages of recovery. Generally surgeons don't provide a realistic outlook into what the recovery will entail. I'm not sure why...maybe they just don't know. Maybe they don't want their patients to know! Your guess is as good as mine.
However, what you're experiencing isn't at all out of the realm of normal at about one month post op. It takes a full 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest (mainly adjusting to the upper GI changes).
Your upper GI tract has undergone major surgery. While your outsides don't show it because of the laproscopic surgery, your insides have been through a lot. The nausea and pain are to be understood.
The esophagus is a dumb organ and interprets all pain as heartburn. Your wrap is swollen and food can get stuck at the wrap site, thus irritating the esophagus and causing "heartburn" sensations.
Your stomach is just plain irritated. Part of it was wrapped around the esophagus and stitched, and your stomach isn't happy about that, as you can imagine.
Try to surrender to the recovery process and accept it as it is. I know it's no fun, and nausea is hard to live with. It will subside, though, but will take time. In my experience, upper GI irritation takes a long time to heal. It's worth it in the end. Many people feel like recovery will never be over--that they will never feel well again. This is the farthest thing from the truth.
Give your body a chance to recovery. Treat your upper GI tract very gently for a while. Don't try to rush the recovery--even in your head. If you are in a rush to get back to normal, it'll just create stress in you and make things worse.
The recovery is as it is. Accept it, relax into it, and allow it to happen at its own pace. No matter how hard you will it to be over, it will not make a bit of difference. It'll only make the experience harder to accept and deal with. "Go with the flow"...relax into it. It will take its own sweet time no matter how much we struggle against it and will it to move faster.
Stick around, ask questions, and receive support and encouragement!
Hang in there!