I had the Nissen Fundo a little over a year ago. I would do it all over again because it has helped with my reflux, and a recent upper GI showed it has actually helped with the healing of my Barrett's. I do remain with gastritis and terrible gas however. The gastritis is because I've been eating more of the acidic foods I was unable to tolerate before, so I guess I need to continue the GERD diet regardless.
I had Barrett's at the very bottom of my esophagus, so I am sort of concerned that some of it may be tucked in the wrap and not healed. My GI doctor said I do not need upper GI's in the future unless I have issues. Little concerned that he does not want to follow up at least every couple years.
My question is, has anyone that is wrapped found a good diet to follow to limit gas and bloat? I love salads, fruits and veggies, but they tend to be the worst for gas. I do not use straws, and I do not drink carbonated beverages, but I still end up with terrible gas due to the inability to burp.
I have been able to burp a handfull of times since the surgery, and boy did I feel good after. I cannot place what exactly helped me burp those times, I guess it's just a fluke once in a while that I am able to burp. Other than that, we all know how it exits '
I try to take enzymes prior to eating, I take a daily probiotic, and I take Gas X (which my GI doc says is just a placebo - does no good).
I would appreciate any advice - thanks! Virgo Girl