Hi sreynolds,Welcome back to Healing Well! Sorry your daughter is having problems. When I had my surgery, my surgeon told me that "the esophagus is a dumb organ, and it interprets all pain as reflux". It sounds as if your daughter has caused irritation with her retching. I assume that you now have anti nausea drugs handy so it doesn't happen again. The one that works best for me is Compazine suppositories, but others have good luck with Zofran and even Phenegran.
If she has irritated her wrap/esophagus, it will take time to get it healed again, and will set back her recovery. In the best of situations (without the retching episode) the six month mark is a turning point when most of the healing is complete. Her problem with retching has set this date back. It's not abnormal to be having a problem like this when retching has occurred.
Be sure she's eating very carefully...stick with soft, easy to chew foods. Make sure she's taking small bites and chewing completely (to a creamy/liquid consistency) before swallowing. This is very important as it will help protect the healing wrap from further injury.
It takes a full 6 months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. In your daughter's case, this timeline has been increased. Tell her not to give up hope. She will get better! It just takes time. I think it's a good idea to take acid suppressers as she heals, since acid can create even more stress on the healing tissue.
If she's actually refluxing some (probably from the swollen wrap being misshapen with one side more swollen than the other, thus allowing more reflux through) the medication can help her feel more comfortable as she heals.
Good luck! Hang in there...
Best wishes and happy healing,