Natitc, for me the weight loss has one more component unfortunately. Because of my dairy intolerance, I can't have a lot of high calorie dairy foods like ice cream and cheese. Same goes for high fat foods like avacado. My appetite is decent but I also have symptoms of IBS, even though I have not been officially diagnosed with that. So I go through bouts of loose b.m. and combined with the reduction in caloric intake, I can lose weight in a hurry, sigh. My pattern during this whole period has been weight loss, stabilization and then I would push myself a little bit to eat more normal foods in hopes of gaining the weight back only to make my stomach and digestion worse and lose more weight. Gail and I have been really struggling mentally with the weight loss.
Viv, I know sugar and refined carbs (which is basically sugar to the body) are not good for gastritis. I would love to try the Fast Tract diet, except that my naturopath has formulated a diet plan for me to try for a month. It's based on a food intolerance test she ran + her belief that my blood sugar level has historically been too high. She also thinks based on my IBS like symptoms which have plagued me all my life, my GI tracts have been chronically inflamed. Anyway, I am doing the following.
1. Eliminate dairy and soy (found to be intolerant). This is really hard because many dairy substitute have soy.
And no soy sauce!!!!
2. Drastically reduce sugar and refined carb intake (that means no more white rice, which was easy to make, easy on the stomach and good for calories). The naturopath doesn't even want me to have fruit juice.
3. The last thing, which some of you might say sounds fishy, but I am not allowed to have grains and fruit (including things like jam) at the same time. The food intolerance test showed that I don't do well if I consume grains and fruit together. Not sure how much I believe it, but at this point, I will give it a shot.
So right now, I am eating lots of brown rice, vegetables, chicken. I just tried a steak for lunch and hope that I won't have too much issues with it.